Vegan Smashed Tempeh Tacos
April 30, 2023

Vegan Smashed Tempeh Tacos

Tempeh Ground "Beef" 

1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked (1 hr) and drained*
1 8oz Pack of Tempeh, chopped (I love San Diego Tempeh which is soy free)
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained 
1 clove of garlic, minced 
2 tbsp tamari 
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp smoked paprika 
1/2 package taco seasoning
Pinch of sea salt 
Pulse sunflower seeds in the food processor for about 1 minutes, then add remaining ingredients and process until well combined. The texture should be very similar to ground beef, and not overly processed or pastey. Taste, and add  little salt or extra taco seasoning to your liking. Ready to roll and make into patties! 
* If you haven't soaked the sunflower seeds, you can submerge them in hot water for about 15 minutes before processing.
Corn or flour tortillas 
Your favorite vegan cheddar (**Stay tuned for the recipe we used)!! 
Sliced Jalapenos (optional) 
Pico or salsa
Sliced Avocado 
Heat olive or avocado oil in a skillet on medium to high heat. 
Roll about 3 tablespoons of "meat" into a ball- and top with 1-2 jalapeno slices. 
Place the meat in the skillet, with peppers facing up. (You want the peppers in between meat and tortilla).  Top with corn tortilla and smush down using a bowl or jar (about 1/2 in thick is good). Cook for 4-5 minutes. 
Flip, top with vegan cheese while it's still hot- and continue to cook for about 3 minutes until cheese is melted. 
Then serve!
These are best served hot, so it's best to roll several patties first so that you can work fast.
Serve with all your favorite taco condiments. 
We used pico, avocado, and a little cilantro. 
Makes about 12 tacos. 
recipe by Meredith Baird Figone