December 07, 2022


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Chi-Rizo Raddicchio Cups

Chi-Rizo Raddicchio Cups

Reframe the appetizer and think outside the box with the sexiest savory bites you'll have all holiday season. 
Go to the farmers market and find the most beautiful endive you get your hands on,  shave a radish, and pull your favorite greens and herbs. 
Make some rice if you have time. If not, skip it! 
Saute one box of Chi Foods Chi-Rizo (organic, soy fee, and gluten free) totally delicious clean meat alternative... the cleanest I've found! (and high protein) It needs absolutely nothing- the flavor is amazing as is. 
Top with avocado or your favorite sour cream, shaved radish, and plenty of herbs. 
recipe by Meredith Baird







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